
From Box of Rocks WIKI
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This article is about the block that drops arrows as an item. For the block that can fire arrows, see Dispenser.



Yes (64)


Blast resistance










Catches fire from lava


A dropper is a block that can be used to eject items or to push items into another container.


Droppers can be mined with a pickaxe, in which case it drops itself and its contents. If mined without a pickaxe, the dropper drops only its contents.

Block Dropper
Hardness 3.5
Breaking time[FN 1]
Default 17.5
Wooden 2.65
Stone 1.35
Iron 0.9
Diamond 0.7
Netherite 0.6
Golden 0.45
  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.


Ingredients Crafting recipe
Cobblestone +
Redstone Dust


A dropper can be used as a container or as a redstone component to move objects.

A dropper can be placed so that its output faces in any direction, including up or down. When placed, the dropper's output faces toward the player. With default textures, the droppers output side looks like a face when positioned for horizontal output. Otherwise, the output side has a square hole.

A dropper cannot be moved by pistons in Java Edition and water and lava flow around a dropper.


A dropper has 9 slots of inventory space.

To open the dropper GUI, use the Use Item control. To move items between the dropper inventory and the player inventory or hotbar while the dropper GUI is open, drag or shift-click the items. To exit the dropper GUI, use the Esc control.

By default, the GUI of a dropper is labeled "Dropper". A dropper's GUI label can be changed by naming the dropper in an anvil before placing it, or by using the /data command‌[Java Edition only] (for example, to label a dropper at (0,64,0) "Alice's Dropper", use /data merge block 0 64 0 {CustomName:'"Alice's Dropper"'}).

A dropper can be "locked" (or subsequently unlocked) by setting the dropper's Lock tag with the /data command. If a dropper's Lock tag is not blank, the dropper cannot be accessed except by players holding an item with the same name as the Lock tag's text. For example, to lock a dropper at (0,64,0) so that only players holding an item named "Alice's Key" can access the dropper, use /data merge block 0 64 0 {Lock:"Alice's Key"}.‌[Java Edition only]

Redstone component

See also: Redstone circuit

A dropper can be used to eject items, or push items into another container.

A dropper can be activated by:
  • an adjacent active power component (Exceptions: a redstone torch does not turn ON a dropper it is attached to)
  • an adjacent powered opaque block (strongly-powered or weakly-powered)
  • a powered redstone repeater or redstone comparator facing the dropper
  • powered redstone dust configured to point at the dropper, or on top of it, or a directionless "dot" next to it; a dropper is not activated by adjacent powered redstone dust that is configured to point in another direction.
In addition to the methods above, droppers can also be activated by quasi-connectivity.‌[Java Edition only] A dropper activates if one of the methods above would activate a mechanism component in the block above the dropper, even if there is no mechanism component there (even if the block above the dropper is air or a transparent block), but only when the dropper receives a block update (including a redstone update within two blocks of the dropper).
A dropper has a 2 redstone tick (4 game ticks, or 0.2 seconds barring lag) delay between activation and a response. During this time, additional inputs are ignored.
When activated, a dropper waits 2 redstone ticks (4 game ticks, or 0.2 seconds barring lag) and then ejects one item from its inventory. The dropper does not continue to eject items while activated — ejection occurs only on the initial activation (the rising edge of an input signal). To eject multiple items, repeatedly activate the dropper with a clock circuit.
If multiple slots are occupied by items, a random occupied slot is chosen for ejection. The slot is chosen when an item is ejected, not when the dropper is initially activated, thus it is possible to move items into or out of a dropper between its activation and item dispensing.
If the dropper is facing a container, the ejected item is transferred into the container. Otherwise, the item is ejected in the direction the dropper is facing, as if a player had used the Drop control. Even items that would be treated differently by a dispenser (such as arrows) are simply ejected by a dropper.
A dropper makes a clicking noise (the random.click sound event) when activated empty or when ejecting items into air, but is silent when it successfully transfers an item into another container.

A dropper is an opaque block, so powering it directly can cause adjacent mechanism components (including other droppers) to activate as well.

A line of droppers, each pushing items into the next dropper, is known as a dropper pipe. A dropper pipe must be clocked to move items, but can be clocked to move items faster than a hopper pipe's transfer rate. When a dropper pipe pushes items upwards, it is known as a droppervator (short for "dropper elevator").

Note Blocks

Dropper can be placed under note blocks to produce "bass drum" sound.



Java Edition:

SoundSubtitleSourceDescriptionNamespaced IDTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
File:Stone dig1.oggFile:Stone dig2.oggFile:Stone dig3.oggFile:Stone dig4.oggBlock brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.stone.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
File:Stone hit1.oggFile:Stone hit2.oggFile:Stone hit3.oggFile:Stone hit4.oggFile:Stone hit5.oggFile:Stone hit6.oggNone[sound 1]BlocksFalling on the block with fall damageblock.stone.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
File:Stone hit1.oggFile:Stone hit2.oggFile:Stone hit3.oggFile:Stone hit4.oggFile:Stone hit5.oggFile:Stone hit6.oggBlock breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.stone.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
File:Stone dig1.oggFile:Stone dig2.oggFile:Stone dig3.oggFile:Stone dig4.oggBlock placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.stone.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.816
File:Stone hit1.oggFile:Stone hit2.oggFile:Stone hit3.oggFile:Stone hit4.oggFile:Stone hit5.oggFile:Stone hit6.oggFootstepsBlocksWalking on the blockblock.stone.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionNamespaced IDVolumePitch
File:Stone dig1.oggFile:Stone dig2.oggFile:Stone dig3.oggFile:Stone dig4.oggBlocksOnce the block has brokendig.stone1.00.8
File:Stone hit1.oggFile:Stone hit2.oggFile:Stone hit3.oggFile:Stone hit4.oggFile:Stone hit5.oggFile:Stone hit6.oggBlocksFalling on the block with fall damagefall.stone0.41.0
File:Stone hit1.oggFile:Stone hit2.oggFile:Stone hit3.oggFile:Stone hit4.oggFile:Stone hit5.oggFile:Stone hit6.oggBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.stone0.370.5
?BlocksJumping from the blockjump.stone0.121.0
?BlocksFalling on the block without fall damageland.stone0.221.0
File:Stone hit1.oggFile:Stone hit2.oggFile:Stone hit3.oggFile:Stone hit4.oggFile:Stone hit5.oggFile:Stone hit6.oggBlocksWalking on the blockstep.stone0.31.0
File:Stone dig1.oggFile:Stone dig2.oggFile:Stone dig3.oggFile:Stone dig4.oggBlocksWhen the block is placeduse.stone1.00.8


Java Edition:

SoundSubtitleSourceDescriptionNamespaced IDTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
File:Click.oggDispensed item[sound 1]BlocksDropper activatingblock.dispenser.dispense[sound 1]subtitles.block.dispenser.dispense[sound 1]1.01.016
File:Click.oggDispenser fails[sound 1]BlocksDropper failing to activateblock.dispenser.fail[sound 1]subtitles.block.dispenser.fail[sound 1]1.01.216
  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 The dropper reuses the dispenser's sound events instead of having its own, see MC-98316.

Data values


Java Edition:

NameNamespaced IDFormTranslation key
DropperdropperBlock & Itemblock.minecraft.dropper
NameNamespaced ID
Block entitydropper

Bedrock Edition:

NameNamespaced IDNumeric ID FormTranslation key
Dropperdropper125Block & Itemtile.dropper.name
NameSavegame ID
Block entityDropper


See also: Data values

In Bedrock Edition, a dropper's block data specifies its orientation and activation status:


Block states

See also: Block states


Block data

A dropper has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.




Java Edition
1.513w03a32px 32px 32px 32px Added droppers.
Droppers are crafted using 7 cobblestone, one hopper, and one piece of redstone:
Ingredients Crafting recipe
Cobblestone +
Hopper +

The top and bottom textures of droppers currently remain fixed regardless of the facing direction.
13w04a32px 32px Droppers can now face all six directions.
The crafting recipe of droppers has now been changed, removing the hopper from the middle.
13w10bActivated droppers now do not fire if they receive a block update.
1.814w25a32px 32px 32px 32px 32px The models of dropper have been changed.
1.9.1pre1Droppers can now use loot tables.
1.1317w47aPrior to The Flattening, this block's numeral ID was 158.
1.1418w43a32px 32px 32px 32px 32px 32px The textures of droppers have now been changed.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.14.0build 132px 32px 32px 32px 32px 32px Added droppers.
v0.15.0build 1Droppers can now be moved by pistons.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0beta 32px 32px 32px 32px 32px The textures of droppers have now been changed.
Legacy Console Edition
TU19CU7 1.12 Patch 132px 32px 32px 32px Added droppers.
1.90 32px 32px 32px 32px 32px 32px The textures of droppers have now been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.032px 32px 32px 32px 32px 32px Added droppers.


Issues relating to "Dropper" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

See also


de:Spender es:Soltador fr:Dropper ja:ドロッパー ko:공급기 nl:Dropper pl:Podajnik pt:Liberador ru:Выбрасыватель uk:Викидач zh:投掷器