Crafting Table
Any Planks
Any Planks + Any wood Slab
[Java Edition only]
Stick + Any wood Slab
[Bedrock Edition only]
Matching Wool + Any Planks
Wool color must match. Planks do not need to match.
Dyed Bed
White Bed + Matching Colored Dye
White beds can be re-dyed using dyes.[Java Edition only]
Any Bed + Matching Dye
A bed of any color can be re-dyed using dyes.[Bedrock and Education editions only]
White Bed
Any Dyed Bed + Bleach
Removes the color from the bed.[Bedrock and Education editions only]
White Bed or Blue Bed or Brown Bed or Black Bed
Any Bed + Bone Meal or Lapis Lazuli or Cocoa Beans or Ink Sac
[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Any Planks + Honeycomb
Cartography Table
Paper + Any Planks
Any Planks
Wood Fence
Matching Planks + Stick
Nether Brick Fence
Nether Bricks + Nether Brick
Fletching Table
Flint + Any Planks
Stick + Stone Slab + Any Planks
Any Planks + Diamond
String + Any Planks
Matching Planks + Stick
Smithing Table
Iron Ingot + Any Planks
Stick + Coal or Charcoal + Any Log or Stem or Any Stripped Log or Stem or Any Wood or Hyphae or Any Stripped Wood or Hyphae
Soul Campfire
Stick + Soul Sand or Soul Soil + Any Log or Stem or Any Stripped Log or Stem or Any Wood or Hyphae or Any Stripped Wood or Hyphae
Any Log or Any Stripped Log or Any Wood or Any Stripped Wood + Furnace
Block of Iron + Iron Ingot
Armor Stand
Stick + Smooth Stone Slab
Matching Wool + Stick
Once the banner is crafted, its base color cannot be changed.[Java Edition only]
White Banner
Any Banner + Bleach
Bleach can be used to remove the color of a banner, resulting in a white banner. This includes removing patterns from a white banner.[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Matching Banner
Copies pattern; both banners must have the same base color, and the one having a pattern copied onto it must have no preexisting pattern.
Blast Furnace
Iron Ingot + Furnace + Smooth Stone
String + Honeycomb
[upcoming: JE 1.17]
Dyed Candle
Candle + Matching Dye
[upcoming: JE 1.17]
Matching Wool
White Carpet
Any Dyed Carpet + Bleach
[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Blue Carpet or Brown Carpet or Black Carpet
White Carpet + Lapis Lazuli or Cocoa Beans or Ink Sac
[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Blue Torch or Red Torch or Purple Torch or Green Torch
Cerium Chloride or Mercuric Chloride or Potassium Chloride or Tungsten Chloride + Torch
Cerium Chloride: Blue Mercuric Chloride: Red Potassium Chloride: Purple Tungsten Chloride: Green [Bedrock and Education editions only]
Enchanting Table
Book + Diamond + Obsidian
End Crystal
Glass + Eye of Ender + Ghast Tear
End Rod
Blaze Rod + Popped Chorus Fruit
Ender Chest
Obsidian + Eye of Ender
White Firework Star or Blue Firework Star or Brown Firework Star or Black Firework Star
White Firework Star or Blue Firework Star or Brown Firework Star or Black Firework Star + Bone Meal or Lapis Lazuli or Cocoa Beans or Ink Sac
[Bedrock and Education editions only] Adds a "fade to color" effect to the firework star, overwriting any existing fades. Up to eight dyes can be added.
Flower Pot
Any Cobblestone or Blackstone
[until JE 1.17]
Any stone-tier block
[upcoming: JE 1.17]
White Stained Glass or Blue Stained Glass or Brown Stained Glass or Black Stained Glass
Glass + Bone Meal or Lapis Lazuli or Cocoa Beans or Ink Sac
[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Glass Pane
Stained Glass Pane
Matching Stained Glass
Stained Glass Pane
Glass Pane + Matching Dye
White Stained Glass Pane or Blue Stained Glass Pane or Brown Stained Glass Pane or Black Stained Glass Pane
Glass Pane + Bone Meal or Lapis Lazuli or Cocoa Beans or Ink Sac
[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Hardened Glass Pane
Aluminum Oxide + Glass Pane + Boron Trioxide
A representation of alumino-borosilicate glass.[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Hardened Stained Glass Pane
Aluminum Oxide + Matching Stained Glass Pane + Boron Trioxide
A representation of alumino-borosilicate glass.[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Honey Block
Honey Bottle
Empty bottles remain in the crafting grid after crafting the honey block.
Honeycomb Block
Iron Bars
Iron Ingot
Item Frame
Stick + Leather
Glow Item Frame
Glow Ink Sac + Item Frame
[upcoming: JE 1.17 & BE 1.17.0]
Iron Nugget + Torch
Soul Lantern
Iron Nugget + Soul Torch
Chiseled Stone Bricks + Netherite Ingot
Moss Carpet
Moss Block
Stick + Any Wool
Respawn Anchor
Crying Obsidian + Glowstone
Shulker Box
Shulker Shell + Chest
Shulker Box
Any Shulker Box + Matching Dye
The shulker box retains its contents. If it is renamed on an anvil, it also retains its contents.
White Shulker Box or Blue Shulker Box or Brown Shulker Box or Black Shulker Box
Any Shulker Box + Bone Meal or Lapis Lazuli or Cocoa Beans or Ink Sac
[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Slime Block
Snow Block
Iron Ingot + Stone
White Terracotta or Blue Terracotta or Brown Terracotta or Black Terracotta
Terracotta + Bone Meal or Lapis Lazuli or Cocoa Beans or Ink Sac
[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Coal or Charcoal + Stick
Soul Torch
Coal or Charcoal + Stick + Soul Soil or Soul Sand
Trapped Chest
Tripwire Hook + Chest
Underwater Torch
Magnesium + Torch
[Bedrock and Education editions only]
Cobblestone Wall or Mossy Cobblestone Wall
Cobblestone or Mossy Cobblestone
Stone Brick Wall or Mossy Stone Brick Wall
Stone Bricks or Mossy Stone Bricks
Andesite Wall
Diorite Wall
Granite Wall
Sandstone Wall or Red Sandstone Wall
Sandstone or Red Sandstone
Brick Wall
Prismarine Wall
Nether Brick Wall or Red Nether Brick Wall
Nether Bricks or Red Nether Bricks
End Stone Brick Wall
End Stone Bricks
Blackstone Wall or Polished Blackstone Wall or Polished Blackstone Brick Wall
Blackstone or Polished Blackstone or Polished Blackstone Bricks
Cobbled Deepslate Wall or Polished Deepslate Wall or Deepslate Brick Wall or Deepslate Tile Wall
Cobbled Deepslate or Polished Deepslate or Deepslate Bricks or Deepslate Tiles
[upcoming: JE 1.17]
White Wool or Blue Wool or Brown Wool or Black Wool
Any Wool + Bone Meal or Lapis Lazuli or Cocoa Beans or Ink Sac
[Bedrock and Education editions only]