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Rarity color



Java Edition
Golden: 32
Wood: 59
Stone: 131
Iron: 250
Diamond: 1561
Netherite: 2031
Bedrock Edition
Golden: 33
Wood: 60
Stone: 132
Iron: 251
Diamond: 1562
Netherite: 2032


Netherite: No
All others: Yes



A sword is a melee weapon that is mainly used to damage entities and for mining cobwebs or bamboo. A sword is made from one of six materials, in order of increasing quality and expense: wood, gold, stone, iron, diamond, and netherite.



Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Any Planks or
Iron Ingot or
Gold Ingot or
Diamond +

Any Cobblestone or Blackstone +

[until JE 1.17]
Any stone-tier block +

[upcoming: JE 1.17]
Damaged Matching Swords

The durability of the two swords is added together, plus an extra 5% of the tool type's total durability. Enchantments are removed unless combined on an anvil.
Example: Two wooden swords, each with remaining durability of 20, combine into a wooden sword having 43 durability (20 + 20 + 5% of 60).






Unit repair

A sword can be repaired in an anvil by adding units of the tiers' repair material, with each repair material restoring 25% of the sword's maximum durability, rounded down.

Mob loot

Some mobs can spawn with a sword and have an 8.5% chance of dropping them upon death caused by player. This chance is increased by 1% per level of Looting, up to a maximum of 11.5% with Looting III. Zombies and husks can drop iron swords, zombified piglins and piglins can drop golden swords, and wither skeletons can drop stone swords. The dropped sword is usually badly damaged and may be enchanted. Stone swords dropped by wither skeletons are never enchanted.

A vex wields an iron sword that normally has a 0% chance of dropping, because their main hand's HandDropChances is 0. However, this chance increases by 1 percentage point per level of Looting. It is never damaged‌[Java Edition only] and may be enchanted.

In Bedrock Edition, pillagers and vindicators that spawn from raids have a 4.1% chance (5.12% chance on hard mode) of dropping a damaged iron sword. This sword has a 50% chance of being enchanted.


File:Weaponsmith Diamond Sword Trade.png
The diamond sword trade of a weaponsmith.

In Bedrock Edition, apprentice-level weaponsmith villagers sell enchanted iron swords for at least 7-21 emeralds, and master-level weaponsmiths sell enchanted diamond swords for at least 13-27 emeralds.

In Java Edition, novice-level weaponsmith villagers have a 23 chance of selling an enchanted iron sword for at least 7-22 emeralds. Master-level weaponsmiths offer to sell an enchanted diamond sword for at least 11–27 emeralds.

The enchantments of the swords offered by villagers are the same as the ones obtained from an enchantment table at levels 5–19.

Chest loot

Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
Iron Sword Buried treasure Chest 1 75%
Stronghold Altar chest 1 12.1%
Village Weaponsmith's chest 1 25.6%
Enchanted Iron Sword[FN 1] End city Chest 1 13.3%
Damaged Enchanted Iron Sword[FN 2][FN 3] Bastion remnant Generic chest 1 19%
Golden Sword Bastion remnant Bridge chest 1 11.2%
Generic chest 1 9.8%
Nether fortress Chest 1 19%
Enchanted Golden Sword[FN 2] Ruined portal Chest 1 20.5%
Diamond Sword Bastion remnant Treasure chest 1 18.7%
Enchanted Diamond Sword[FN 1] End city Chest 1 13.3%
Damaged Enchanted Diamond Sword[FN 2][FN 5] Bastion remnant Treasure chest 1 18.7%
Bedrock Edition
Iron Sword Stronghold Altar chest 1 11.8%
Village Weaponsmith's chest 1 25.6%
Enchanted Iron Sword[FN 1] End city Chest 1 13.3%
Golden Sword Bastion remnant Bridge chest 1 12.2%
Generic chest 1 16%
Nether fortress Chest 1 19%
Enchanted Golden Sword[FN 2] Ruined portal Chest 1 20.5%
Damaged Diamond Sword[FN 4] Bastion remnant Treasure chest 1 10.2%
Enchanted Diamond Sword[FN 1] End city Chest 1 13.3%
Damaged Enchanted Diamond Sword[FN 2][FN 4] Bastion remnant Treasure chest 1 16.8%
  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Enchantment probabilities are the same as a level-20 to level-39 enchantment would be on an enchantment table that had no cap at level 30, and that was able to apply treasure enchantments (except Soul Speed), and where the chance of multiple enchantments is not reduced.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 All enchantments are equally probable, including treasure enchantments (except Soul Speed), and any level of the enchantment is equally probable.
  3. The item has between 10% and 90% of its total durability.
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 The item has between 20% and 65% of its total durability.
  5. The item has between 80% and 100% of its total durability.



Pressing attack while holding a sword inflicts damage on both mobs and other players. Upon damaging a mob or player, the sword's durability decreases by 1.

Attacking a boat or a minecart with a sword instantly destroys it, without decreasing the sword's durability.

Sweep attack

Template:Exclusive If the attack recharge meter is 84.8% or above, and the player is standing or moving no faster than walking speed, the sword performs a "sweeping" attack that can hit nearby enemies. Enemies near the hit enemy are knocked back and damaged by 19px from the sweeping attack. The Sweeping Edge enchantment increases the damage dealt by 50% of the normal hit damage for level I, 67% for level II, and 75% for level III. The amount of knockback is 80% that of the knockback due to Knockback I (in other words, 2.8 blocks), and does not benefit from that enchantment. All enemies within 1 block horizontally and 0.25 blocks vertically of any part of the attacked mob and within up to 4 blocks of the player are knocked back. It is impossible to perform a sweep attack at the same time as a critical hit or sprint-knockback attack. A sweeping attack is performed only when the player swings downward; hitting an entity above the player's head does not perform a sweep attack.


Java Edition

Swords have an attack speed of 1.6 and take 0.625 seconds to recover.

Material Wooden Gold Stone Iron Diamond Netherite
Attack Damage 49px9px 49px9px 59px9px9px 69px9px9px 79px9px9px9px 89px9px9px9px
Attack Speed 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
Damage/Second (DPS) 6.4 6.4 8 9.6 11.2 12.8
Durability 59 32 131 250 1561 2031
Lifetime damage inflicted[note 1] 2369px × 118 1289px × 64 6559px × 327.5 15009px × 750 109279px × 5463.5 162489px × 8124
  1. The formula to find the total lifetime damage is Durability × Damage per hit = Lifetime damage minimum. It ignores enchantments and critical hits, and assumes the sword is at maximum charge

Bedrock Edition

In Bedrock Edition, swords have no attack cooldown or sweep attack and do the following, stronger damage:

Material Wooden Gold Stone Iron Diamond Netherite
Attack Damage 59px9px9px 59px9px9px 69px9px9px 79px9px9px9px 89px9px9px9px 99px9px9px9px9px
Durability 60 33 132 251 1562 2032
Lifetime damage inflicted[note 1] 3009px × 150 1659px × 82.5 7929px × 396 17579px × 878.5 124969px × 6248 182889px × 9144
  1. The formula to find the total lifetime damage is Durability × Damage per hit = Lifetime damage minimum. It excludes enchantments and critical hits

The most amount of damage that a sword enchanted with Sharpness V can do is 11 in Java Edition and 15.25 in Bedrock Edition, without critical hits.

Sword breaking times

Main article: Breaking

A sword can also be used to destroy certain blocks 50% quicker, sometimes much quicker than with fists. Using a sword to destroy any block that doesn't break instantly decreases its durability by 2.

If a sword is enchanted with Silk Touch, either using Creative or commands, it can collect cobwebs rather than getting the string drop. This is due to the sword being classified as the proper tool for cobwebs.

The following table shows the time it takes to break blocks on which swords have any effect. Colors indicate what gets dropped:

  • White: an original block.
  • Blue: block's normal drop (e.g. seeds, sapling, apple).
  • Red: nothing.
Block Fists Sword Proper/fastest tool
Cobweb Template:Tc Template:Tc Template:Breaking time s
Jack o'Lantern Template:Breaking time s Template:Breaking time s Template:Breaking timeTemplate:Breaking time s
Melon Template:Tc Template:Tc Template:Tc
Pumpkin Template:Breaking times Template:Breaking time s Template:Breaking timeTemplate:Breaking time s
Cocoa Template:Tc Template:Tc Template:Tc
Leaves rowspan="2" Template:Tc rowspan="2" Template:Tc Template:Breaking times
Vines rowspan="2" Template:Tc rowspan="2" Template:Tc Template:Tc
Template:Breaking time s
Hay Bale 1s 0.8s Template:Breaking timeTemplate:Breaking time s

Swords can also be used for instant breaking of bamboo.‌[Java Edition only]

Safety around constructions

In Creative mode, swords are unable to break blocks. However, care must still be taken around minecarts, paintings, item frames and armor stands; these are entities, thus can be broken with swords in Creative.[1][2]


Swords can receive, or be found in an End City with the following enchantments:

Name Max Level Method Weight
Fire Aspect II 2
Looting III 2
Unbreaking III 5
Sharpness[note 1] V 10
Smite[note 1] V 5
Bane of Arthropods[note 1] V 5
Knockback II 5
Mending I 2
Curse of Vanishing I 1
Sweeping Edge[JE only] III 2
  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sharpness, Smite, and Bane of Arthropods are mutually exclusive.


Wooden swords can be used as fuel in furnaces, smelting 1 item per sword.

Smelting ingredient

Name Ingredients Smelting recipe
Iron Nugget or
Gold Nugget
Iron Sword or
Golden Sword +
Any fuel



SoundSubtitleSourceDescriptionNamespaced IDTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
File:Critical attack1.oggFile:Critical attack2.oggFile:Critical attack3.oggCritical attack??entity.player.attack.crit?0.7?16
File:Knockback attack1.oggFile:Knockback attack2.oggFile:Knockback attack3.oggFile:Knockback attack4.oggKnockback attack??entity.player.attack.knockback?0.7?16
File:Weak attack1.oggFile:Weak attack2.oggFile:Weak attack3.oggFile:Weak attack4.oggWeak attack??entity.player.attack.nodamage?0.7?16
File:Strong attack1.oggFile:Strong attack2.oggFile:Strong attack3.oggFile:Strong attack4.oggFile:Strong attack5.oggFile:Strong attack6.oggStrong attack??entity.player.attack.strong?1, 2, 3, 4 = 0.6; 5, 6 = 0.7?16
File:Sweep attack1.oggFile:Sweep attack2.oggFile:Sweep attack3.oggFile:Sweep attack4.oggFile:Sweep attack5.oggFile:Sweep attack6.oggFile:Sweep attack7.oggSweeping attack??entity.player.attack.sweep?0.7?16
File:Weak attack1.oggFile:Weak attack2.oggFile:Weak attack3.oggFile:Weak attack4.oggWeak attack??entity.player.attack.weak?0.7?16
File:Random break.oggItem breaks??entity.item.breaksubtitles.entity.item.break1.00.916

Data values


Java Edition:

NameNamespaced IDFormTranslation key
Wooden Swordwooden_swordItemitem.minecraft.wooden_sword
Stone Swordstone_swordItemitem.minecraft.stone_sword
Iron Swordiron_swordItemitem.minecraft.iron_sword
Diamond Sworddiamond_swordItemitem.minecraft.diamond_sword
Golden Swordgolden_swordItemitem.minecraft.golden_sword
Netherite Swordnetherite_swordItemitem.minecraft.netherite_sword

Bedrock Edition:

NameNamespaced IDNumeric ID FormTranslation key
Wooden Swordwooden_sword268Itemitem.wooden_sword.name
Stone Swordstone_sword272Itemitem.stone_sword.name
Iron Swordiron_sword267Itemitem.iron_sword.name
Diamond Sworddiamond_sword276Itemitem.diamond_sword.name
Golden Swordgolden_sword283Itemitem.golden_sword.name
Netherite Swordnetherite_sword743Itemitem.netherite_sword.name






The blocking animation using a sword before and after Java Edition 14w30a (from the Adventure to the Bountiful updates).

Previously, since the Adventure Update, all types of swords could be used to parry to block some forms of damage. If the player is blocking with a sword when attacked, the sword deflects 50% of incoming damage from melee, non-magical projectiles like arrows, and explosions, along with minimizing knockback. The sword is held in front of the player and its durability is not reduced by blocking. The player moves at a slower rate than sneaking if blocking with a sword. Sword blocks could be engaged and disengaged instantly, with no delay between the input and damage mitigation nor cooldown between lowering a block and raising a new one.

After the Combat Update, the sword blocking functionality was replaced by blocking with shields and to accommodate the dual wield system. Shields negates more damage and knockback than sword blocking from blockable attacks (they block 100% damage and knockback after Java Edition 1.11), but, unlike swords, they have a 0.25 second startup period before damage can be mitigated and can be temporarily disabled by attacks with an axe.


The knockback dealt by swords used to be higher than while the players are using another melee items, like an axe or with the hands. This feature was removed in Java Edition 1.9 and is also no longer used in Bedrock Edition.

Java Edition Indev
0.3120091231-232px Added iron swords.
Iron swords cannot be crafted yet, but can be added to the player's inventory during world creation.
?The iron sword is no longer added to the player's inventory during world creation.
2010012832px 32px 32px Swords made from wood, stone, and diamond have been added.
Wood, stone and diamond swords cannot be crafted yet, but have been added to the item chest in the Indev house.
The iron sword has been added to the Indev house item chest.
20100129Wood, stone, iron, and diamond swords can now be crafted.
2010013032px Swords can now be made out of gold.
20100201-1Swords now take damage when being used.
Better swords now last longer.
2010020632px The texture of gold swords has been slightly changed.
Java Edition Alpha
v1.2.0releaseZombie pigmen now hold golden swords.
Java Edition Beta
1.2Swords, like all tools, now have more durability.
Prior, diamond swords had 1024 durability, iron swords had 128, stone swords 64 and wood and gold had 32 durability.
1.5The damages of all swords have increased by 1, due to the player's barehand damage increasing from 19px to 29px.
As a result, wooden and golden swords now dealt 59px9px9px, stone swords 79px9px9px9px, iron swords 99px9px9px9px9px, and diamond swords 119px × 5.5.
1.8Pre-releaseAdded the ability to block with a sword, giving the player more options in combat.
Swords deflect 50% of incoming melee damage, non-magical projectiles like arrows and explosion damage, and a bit of knockback.
The sword is held in front of the player and its durability is not reduced by blocking.
The player moves at a slower rate than sneaking when blocking with a sword.
As barehand damage has been reduced from 29px to 19px, the damages of all swords have been reduced to their pre Beta 1.5 values.
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3Sword damage has been reduced to make way for enchanting. A diamond sword's damage has been reduced from 109px9px9px9px9px to 79px9px9px9px, iron has been reduced from 89px9px9px9px to 69px9px9px and stone has been reduced from 69px9px9px to 59px9px9px. Wooden and golden swords still deal 49px9px damage.
Iron swords are now found in the new stronghold altar chests.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4Swords can now be enchanted in the enchantment table.
1.112w01aIron swords are now found in village blacksmith chests.
1.2.112w06aThe player now has a rare chance of obtaining iron swords by killing zombies and golden swords from zombie pigmen from the addition of rare drops. These swords have a 20% chance of being enchanted.
1.3.112w18aWooden swords can now be used as fuel in a furnace.
12w21aBlacksmith villagers now sell diamond swords for 12–13 emeralds, and iron swords for 7–10 emeralds.
With the trading implementation, renewable items such as wheat can now be sold to buy a diamond sword. This has now made all swords renewable.
1.4.212w32aZombies may sometimes wield iron swords, dealing extra damage.
12w34aIf a player has dyed leather armor equipped and selected a sword of any kind, it appears in the color of the dye applied to the armor, when switching to second or third person view.
12w36aAdded wither skeletons, which hold stone swords.
1.4.612w49aUnbreaking can now be applied to a sword with an enchanted book.
1.6.113w18aGolden swords are now found in the new chests in nether fortresses.
13w21aInstead of replacing the barehanded damage (19px), swords now add their damage onto the barehanded damage, which results in all swords doing 19px more damage than before.
13w25bIn Creative mode, swords are no longer able to break blocks, and no sound plays when they're hit with one.
1.814w02aWeaponsmith villagers now sell enchanted diamond swords for 12–15 emeralds, and iron swords for 9–10 emeralds. Unenchanted swords are no longer sold.
14w30aSword holding position have been tweaked, and the blocking animation has changed. Blocking while mining was made impossible. Blocking immediately after attacking no longer continues the swing animation.
1.915w31aEnchanted iron and diamond swords can now be found in end city ship chests.
15w33cSwords no longer block attacks. Instead, shields are used.
15w34bSwords now use the attack speed attribute. The attack speed of a sword is 1.25 or 0.8 seconds.
15w34cNerfed swords, they now do 19px less damage and have an attack speed of 1.45, or 0.69 seconds.
Swords can now do a sweep attack when moving at walking speed or slower, which knock back mobs near the one hit. The attack speed meter must be filled for it to work.
15w36aEach Sharpness level now adds 19px damage to the base damage at level I and an additional 0.59px × 0.25 for each additional level, down from a flat 1.259px × 0.625 per level.
15w37aSwords now have an attack speed of 1.6, or 0.63 seconds.
15w43aThe average yield of golden swords in nether fortress chests has been decreased.
15w49aSweep attack now does 19px damage to affected mobs and players.
1.11.116w50aGolden and iron swords now smelt down into one of their respective nuggets.
Added Sweeping Edge enchantment.
1.1317w47aPrior to The Flattening, these items' numeral IDs were 268, 272, 267, 276 and 283.
18w10aSwords can now generate in buried treasure chests.
September 10, 201832px 32px 32px 32px 32px Jasper Boerstra tweets an image of updated sword textures.
1.1418w43a32px 32px 32px 32px 32px The textures of all swords have been changed.
Swords now break bamboo instantly.
1.1620w06a32px Added netherite swords.
Netherite swords are obtained by combining one diamond sword and one netherite ingot in a crafting table.
20w09a32px The texture of diamond swords has been changed.
20w10a32px The texture of netherite swords has been changed.
Netherite swords can no longer be crafted.
Netherite swords are now obtained by combining one diamond sword and one netherite ingot in a smithing table.
20w15aStone swords can now be crafted using blackstone.
20w16aGolden and netherite swords now generate in bastion remnants chests.
Golden swords now generate randomly enchanted in ruined portal chests.
20w17aDiamonds swords now generate in place of netherite swords in bastion remnant chests.
Upcoming Java Edition
Combat Tests1.14.3 - Combat TestThe attack speed for all swords has been increased to 3.
The base damage is now 29px, meaning that all swords now do 19px more damage than before}.
The attack reach of swords has been increased to 3.5 blocks.
Combat Test 2The attack speed of all swords has been decreased to 2.5.
Combat Test 3The attack speed of all swords has been changed from 2.5 back to 3.0.
The attack key can now again be held down to automatically attack when the attack meter is full.
Attacks now happen only when the sword is at 120% charge, slower than if attacks were timed.
Combat Test 4Sword can now perform critical, knockback (sprint) hits on 100% charge.
The attack reach of all weapons was decreased by 0.5 block. Sword now have a 3 blocks reach.
The 200% attack now gives a bonus reach of 1 block.
Combat Test 5Weapons have been nerfed. All material tiers have been nerfed by 19px except wood and gold, and the sword tier have been nerfed by 19px. This means that the wooden/stone/golden sword now does 49px9px damage, the iron sword now does 59px9px9px damage and the diamond sword now does 69px9px9px damage.
Combat Test 6All weapons' attack reach have been buffed by 0.5 block.
200% attacks have been removed.
Swords now always do sweep attack, even in the air.
The cooldown for missed hit is a 4-tick cooldown instead of using the attack speed attribute.
Combat Test 7cAll weapons' attack reach have been nerfed by 0.5 block. The sword's attack reach is now 3 blocks again.
200% attacks have been readded.
Swords no longer sweep without Sweeping Edge and 200% charge again.
Adjusted the netherite tier value to match the weapon nerf in Combat Test 5
Combat Test 8bEnchantment bonus attack damage are now included in the base damage when calculating critical hits (they were excluded before). Due to this change, enchanted swords critical attacks are now way more powerful (especially with high enchantments)
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.2.032px Added stone swords.
v0.3.032px Added wooden swords.
Survival players no longer start out with an infinite durability stone sword in the inventory.
v0.3.232px 32px 32px Added iron, gold, and diamond swords.
v0.4.0Iron swords have replaced stone swords in the the creative inventory.
v0.9.0build 1Iron swords can now be found in stronghold altar chests and inside blacksmith chests.
v0.11.0build 11Wooden, stone, golden and diamond swords are now available in the creative inventory.
build 12Wooden, stone, golden and diamond swords have been removed from creative.
build 13All swords are available in creative mode again.
v0.12.1build 1Instead of replacing the barehanded damage (19px), swords now add their damage onto the barehanded damage, which results in all swords doing 19px more damage than before.
In creative mode, swords are no longer able to break blocks, and no sound plays when they're hit with one.
Golden swords can now be found in nether fortress chests.
Zombies now rarely spawn holding an iron sword that have a chance to dropped.
Golden swords are now rarely dropped by zombie pigmen.
Stone swords are now rarely dropped by wither skeletons.
v0.15.0build 1Iron swords are now sometimes dropped by husks that spawn holding an iron sword.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0alpha iron and diamond swords can now be found in end city chests.
1.0.4alpha swords and enchanted diamond swords are now sold by weaponsmith villagers.
1.1.0alpha and golden swords are now smeltable.
Added vexes, which rarely drop an iron sword if killed using Looting enchantment.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0beta 32px 32px 32px 32px The textures of all swords have been changed.
Iron swords are now found in plains village weaponsmiths.
1.11.0beta swords can now be found in savanna, snowy taiga, taiga and desert village weaponsmiths.
beta and vindicators that spawn in raids can now drop iron swords upon death.
Trading has been changed. Iron swords sold by weaponsmith villagers now cost 2 emeralds while diamond swords cost 8 emeralds as part of their fourth tier trades.
1.16.0beta Added netherite swords.
Netherite swords are obtained by combining one diamond sword and one netherite ingot in a crafting table.
32px The texture of diamond swords has been changed.
Golden swords are now sometimes dropped by piglins that spawn holding a golden sword.
beta swords can no longer be crafted.
Netherite swords are now obtained by combining one diamond sword and one netherite ingot in a smithing table.
Stone swords can now be crafted using blackstone.
Golden and netherite swords now generate in bastion remnant chests.
Golden swords now generate randomly enchanted in ruined portal chests.
beta swords now generate in place of netherite swords in bastion remnant chests.
Legacy Console Edition
TU1CU1 1.0 Patch 11.0.132px 32px 32px 32px 32px Added swords (all five types).
TU5The ability to block with swords has been added, giving the player more options in combat.
TU53CU43 1.49 Patch 231.0.3Iron and golden swords are now smeltable.
1.90 32px 32px 32px 32px 32px The textures of all swords have been changed.
1.92 The ability to block with swords has been removed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.032px 32px 32px 32px 32px Added swords.
Swords cannot block attacks.


  • The sword's texture came from Notch's abandoned RPG, Legend of the Chambered. The iron sword's texture was created first, as it was from the game, and the other swords followed.
  • With the introduction of netherite swords, it is possible to one-hit kill undead mobs in the game (except withers and zombies/skeletons with random armor) using a sword with the Smite V enchantment, without the need to perform a critical hit (this was previously possible only with a Smite V stone, iron, or diamond axe).
  • Plastic diamond and enchanted swords are official Minecraft merchandise.[3][4]


Enchanted swords


de:Schwert es:Espada fr:Épée hu:Kard ja:剣 ko:검 nl:Zwaard pl:Miecz pt:Espada ru:Меч tr:Kılıç uk:Меч zh:剑